Registration is now closed. You may pay at the door. Only Cash is accepted at the door.
Welcome to your
20th Year
High School Reunion!
It's hard to believe that twenty years ago we left our high school, our hometown and all of those familiar faces we were used to seeing every day for many, many years. Who can forget all of those fun - and perhaps not so fun - times we spent together at MSJ? Aloha dances, games, homecomings, P.E. with Mr. McBride, class trips, proms, chalking "the hill," SAT's, finals, trips to the office and detentions - to name just a few.
Now it's time to reconnect with old friends and get together to celebrate Mission San Jose High School Class of 1990's 20 year reunion! Bring your spouse or come with classmates, but make sure you don't miss out on this milestone evening! We hope to see you there!
MSJHS 1990 Reunion Committee